Barrett's Oesophagus
Heartburn (acid from the stomach coming up into the gullet) affects 1 in 10 of us every week and is often dismissed as being a harmless problem. However, chronic acid in the gullet (oesophagus) can cause a change in the lining of the gullet in over 15% of patients with heartburn, called Barrett’s
Oesophagus. This is a pre-cancerous condition for which over 500,000 people in the UK are unaware they have as it can currently only be diagnosed at endoscopy (a camera test into the stomach called a gastroscopy.) This is important since Barrett’s can progress to Oesophageal Cancer, which is the sixth commonest cancer in the UK and one of the most rapidly rising, but it is preventable by monitoring and treatment of Barrett’s oesophagus.
Taking anti-acid medication can help reduce heartburn symptoms but this can mask the underlying problem and taking long term anti-acid medication should only be done once it is know if Barrett’s oesophagus is present or not, to allow monitoring to occur. Barrett’s can also now be removed by an endoscopic day case technique called radiofrequency ablation (BarrX) which is highly effective in resetting the gullet lining back to normal and thereby reducing future cancer risk.
See websites and for more details.
What our patients say
We were very pleased to receive first class reassurance, advice, treatment, and aftercare. We would definitely recommend Dr. Campbell to anyone in need of an excellent Doctor. His secretary Sarah was also very helpful and most competent.
Combining superb expert knowledge , outstanding technical skills (colonoscopic endoscopic mucosal resection), extremely good listening and communication skills with a down to earth practical approach to any difficulties, Dr Willert made me fully very safe and confident in his care. I am very pleased to have been referred to him with my problem.